
I am a computational social scientist with research interests in the structure and evolution of large-scale social networks. My research focuses on how people form and maintain social ties and how the broader social, economic and natural environments affect this process. I conduct social network research at a number of thematic intersections, including social contagion, economic sociology, social psychology, the diffusion of innovation, and social movements using empirical data that capture population-scale online social interactions. I welcome interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers from a broad range of backgrounds, from computer scientists, applied mathematicians, social scientists, and management scientists. My research were published in Science, Social Networks, PLoS One, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and Big Data and Society.

Currently, I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the Software and Societal Systems Department (S3D) in Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science. Before joining CMU, I was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan and Northwestern University. I received my doctoral degree in sociology at Cornell University.